Results for 'Achmad Charris Zubair'

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  1. Aktualisasi filsafat Islam di masa kini dan di masa depan.Achmad Charris Zubair - 1992 - In Musa Asyarie, Irma Fatimah & Lembaga Studi Filsafat Islam, Filsafat Islam: kajian ontologis, epistemologis, aksiologis, historis, prospektif. Sleman, Yogyakarta: Lembaga Studi Filsafat Islam.
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    Understanding the Airbnb user continuation intention: The moderating role of perceived risk.Ahsan Zubair, Rohaizat Baharun, Faiqa Kiran & Muhammad Azeem Abro - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study evaluates the relationship between diversified relationships established under the umbrella of the Stimuli-Organism-Response framework to study the consumer continuation intention of the Airbnb platform from a Malaysian perspective. A web-based survey was conducted among Malaysian Airbnb consumers, and a sample of 303 respondents was obtained. SmartPLS has been used for data analysis. The statistical output of the respondent’s data indicates that social overload and information overload influence consumer continuation intention. Moreover, the satisfaction and trust in the platform partially (...)
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    Islamic Economic Practices in Indonesia.Achmad Tubagus Surur, Muhamad Shulthoni & Hendri Hermawan Adinugraha - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (2):239-264.
    As the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia has great potential in the halal industry. However, research on symbols in Indonesia’s Islamic philosophy and economic history is still far behind that of other countries. Therefore, efforts are needed to improve its study. This research aims to describe and understand the importance of the symbol in the philosophy and history of Islamic economic practices in Indonesia. The findings of this qualitative research, conducted in Indonesia, have practical implications (...)
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    Ilmu bahagia Ki Ageng Suryomentaram: sejarah, kisah, dan ajaran kemuliaan.Sri Wintala Achmad - 2020 - Bantul, Yogyakarta: Araska Publisher.
    On Ki Ageng Suryamentaram and his thoughts on Javanese philosophy and ethics.
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    Petuah-petuah leluhur Jawa: mengurai kearifan, cinta kasih, kejujuran, dan laku utama orang Jawa.Sri Wintala Achmad - 2016 - Bantul, Yogyakarta: Araska Publisher.
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    John Paul II and the Jewish People: A Jewish‐Christian Dialogue – Edited by David G. Dalin and Matthew Levering.Ellen T. Charry - 2009 - Modern Theology 25 (3):523-526.
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    The case for concern: Athanasian christology in pastoral perspective.Ellen T. Charry - 1993 - Modern Theology 9 (3):265-283.
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    Wedha Sasangka: mengenal jati diri pribadi dan bangsa.Achmad Chodjim - 2018 - Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan: Baca.
    On traditional spiritual teachings and philosophy of life based on Pustaka Wedha Sasangka, a Javanese classical literature.
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    La herencia de Bacon en la doctrina spinocista del lenguaje.Juan Francisco Manrique Charry - 2010 - Universitas Philosophica 27 (54):121-130.
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  10. Abdurrahman Wahid's contribution to inter-religious dialogue in Indonesia.Achmad Munjid - 2021 - In Agus Wahyudi, Social justice: a sketch of the west and the Islamic world experiences. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
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  11. Endonezya’daki Mushaf Basım Faaliyetlerinin Osmanlı Geleneksel Mushaflarıyla İlişkisi.Achmad Yafik Mursyid - 2020 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 53:67-91.
    Bu çalışmada Kur’ân-ı Kerim’in genel özelliklerinden, Kur’ân’ın Endonezya’daki yayılışından ve basımından bahsedilecektir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, orijinal Osmanlı mushaflarının Endonezya'da bulunup bulunmadığının tespitidir. Bu araştırmanın yöntemi filoloji çalışmasıdır. Osmanlı mushafının bir örneği Palembang kökenli bir sultan olan Prabu Diraja’nın mushafıdır. Bu Mushaf, aileden miras kalmıştır. Mushafın yazılış şekli Endonezya’daki mushaflardan ziyade Osmanlı mushaflarına daha çok benzemektedir. Bu araştırmada Endonezya’daki Osmanlı mushaf’ları ele alınacak ve bu mushaf’ların Endonezya’daki ilişkisi incelenecektir. Ardından Kur’ân-ı Kerim’in Endonezya’daki basım süreci ele alınacaktır.
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    Pendidikan Islam multikultural: Telaah pemikiran Muhammad Amin Abdullah.Achmad Rois - 2014 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 8 (2).
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    Epistemologi Islam: integrasi agama, filsafat, dan sains dalam perspektif Al-Farabi dan Ibnu Rusyd.Achmad Khudori Soleh - 2017 - Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.
    On theory of knowledge in Islam according to Farabi and Averroes thoughts.
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    Aseguramiento del proceso de diseño y desarrollo en un taller metalmecánico.Giovanni Torres Charry - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Direma, semillero de investigación en diseño y reconversión de máquinas.Giovanni Torres Charry - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Islam and chinesness: A closer look at minority moslems in modern china historiography.Achmad Ubaedillah - 2016 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 10 (2).
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    Psychological Well-Being and Youth Autonomy: Comparative Analysis of Spain and Colombia.Claudia Charry, Rosa Goig & Isabel Martínez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:564232.
    The construct of autonomy appears in the literature associated with individual psychological wellbeing. In Ryff's model, autonomy is presented as one of the dimensions of wellbeing, along with self-acceptance, positive relationships with others, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. The present study compared the levels of autonomy and psychological wellbeing between Spanish and Colombian young people. Ryff's Scale of Psychological Wellbeing and the Transition to Adulthood Autonomy (EDATVA according to its initials in Spanish) scales were used on a (...)
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  18. PROTACs: The Future of Leukemia Therapeutics.Zubair Anwar, Muhammad Shahzad Ali, Antonio Galvano, Alessandro Perez, Maria La Mantia, Ihtisham Bukhari & Bartlomiej Swiatczak - 2022 - Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 10:851087.
    The fight to find effective, long-lasting treatments for cancer has led many researchers to consider protein degrading entities. Recent developments in PROteolysis TArgeting Chimeras (PROTACs) have signified their potential as possible cancer therapies. PROTACs are small molecule, protein degraders that function by hijacking the built-in Ubiquitin-Proteasome pathway. This review mainly focuses on the general design and functioning of PROTACs as well as current advancements in the development of PROTACs as anticancer therapies. Particular emphasis is given to PROTACs designed against various (...)
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    Voracious Desires, Illusions, and Decline Presented in the Elizabethan Chef-D’oeuvre of Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus.Zubair Hb - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (3):1-6.
    This research explores the character’s decline in Christopher Marlowe’s play Doctor Faustus. It tells the story of an intellect entitled Dr. Faustus who, after becoming dissatisfied with every piece of the experience he has accumulated, goes to see the devils to satisfy his ambition of becoming a supreme being. Evaluating the reasons behind his demise is the focus of this research. This research is qualitative in nature. The Baum proposal for this type of study serves as the foundation for the (...)
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  20. By the Renewing of Your Minds: The Pastoral Function of Christian Doctrine.Ellen T. Charry - 1997
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  21. Sobre los polinomios ortogonales, las fracciones continuas y las medidas espectrales.Jairo A. Charris & Germán Preciado-López - 2002 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 2:3.
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    How Does Perceived Effectiveness Affect Adults’ Ethical Acceptance of Anti-obesity Threat Appeals to Children? When the Going Gets Tough, the Audience Gets Going.Karine Charry, Patrick De Pelsmacker & Claude L. Pecheux - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (2):243-257.
    Little is known on the appraisal of ethically questionable not- for-profit actions such as social marketing advertising campaigns. The present study evaluates the ethical acceptance by adults of anti-obesity threat appeals targeting children, depending on the claimed effectiveness of the campaign. An experiment conducted among 176 Belgian participants by means of an online survey shows that individuals’ acceptance of social marketing practices increases along with the claimed effectiveness of the campaign. As such it demonstrates that the audience adopts a pragmatic (...)
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    Pemikiran ateisme Richard Dawkins.Achmad Fadel & Hasan Mujtaba - 2020 - Kanz Philosophia a Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 6 (2):229-248.
    History shows a constant debate between religionists and atheists. Armstrong wrote that any new concept of divinity that emerged in society and rejected established traditions would be labeled as atheist and marginalized. Today, one of the movements that are quite criticized by religious people is New Atheism. He has a great influence in the western world. Richard Dawkins, as the founder, composed a special work entitled God Delusion as a response to the rejection of the supernatural and personal concept of (...)
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    Menguak tabir hukum: suatu kajian filosofis dan sosiologis.Achmad Ali - 2002 - Jakarta: Toko Gunung Agung.
    Indonesian law and jurisprudence; philosophical aspects.
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    The Grace of God and the Law of Christ.Ellen T. Charry - 2003 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 57 (1):34-44.
    It is a mistake to oppose law and grace, for God's grace makes way for a radically transformed social and moral order. The law of Christ enables a new way of life that is obedient to God.
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  26. Islāmī naz̤riyah-yi ḥayāt: ilḥād va ittiḥād, k̲h̲avārijiyat va iʻtizāl, jadīdiyat va rivayat parastī kī intihāʼaun̲ ke mābain muʻtadil bayāniyah.Muḥammad Zubair - 2020 - Maʼūnāth Bhanjan: Dārulfikr al-Islāmī.
    Study on definition of Islamic doctrines with observance of science and philosophy.
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  27. Mukālimāt.Muḥammad Zubair - 2020 - Islāmābād: Dār al-Baṣīrah.
    Essays on Islamic apologetics; relations in Islam; also Islam and philosophy.
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    Silent birds: metaphorical constructions of literacy and gender identity in women's talk.Shirin Zubair - 2007 - Discourse Studies 9 (6):766-783.
    Most prior research on figurative language has looked at the cognitive aspects of metaphoricity. The present research attempts at going beyond metaphor's cognitive impact and aims to view the social and discoursal aspects of metaphorical constructions in relation to people's identities and social realities. This article reports an analysis and discussion of figurative language used by Pakistani women while talking about their literacies and selfhood. The article makes two claims about figurative language: first, metaphorical constructions are cultural and therefore rooted (...)
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  29. Vujūd-i Bārī Taʻālá: maz̲hab, falsafah aur sāʼins kī raushnī men̲.Muḥammad Zubair - 2021 - Lāhaur: Kitāb Sarāʼe, Baitulḥikmat Lāhaur kā Ishāʻatī Idārah.
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    Ensiklopedia kearifan Jawa.Sri Wintala Achmad - 2014 - Bantul, Yogyakarta: Araska Publisher.
    On Javanese philosophy written in Javanese literary works.
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    Islam Geger Kendeng dalam konflik ekologis dan rekonsisliasi akar rumput.Ubaidillah Achmad - 2015 - Jakarta: Prenada.
    On environmental protection and social conditions from Islamic perspctives in Indonesia.
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    Christian jews and the law.Ellen T. Charry - 1995 - Modern Theology 11 (2):187-193.
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    Loving Near—Loving Far.Ellen T. Charry - 2012 - Augustinian Studies 43 (1-2):89-107.
  34. Study as spiritual formation.Ellen T. Charry - 2019 - In David Fergusson, Bruce L. McCormack & Iain R. Torrance, Schools of faith: essays on theology, ethics and education in honour of Iain R. Torrance. New York, NY, USA: T & T Clark.
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  35. Kampus Merdeka: College Educational Breakthrough to Address the Wide Gap Between Industry and Academia.Haryo Kusumo, Achmad Solechan, Manuel Caingcoy, Dian Marlina & Mega Novita - 2022 - KnE Social Sciences 5 (1):499–508.
    Kampus Merdeka was part of the Merdeka Belajar policy released by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) at the end of January 2020. This study focuses on a university program that gave students opportunities to develop skills in accordance with their talents and interests by entering the workforce right away as training for future careers. Until the middle of September 2022, 12 programs had launched. To provide a reliable reference, a comprehensive analysis of the Merdeka Curriculum (...)
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    Who is a parent? Parenthood in Islamic ethics.M. K. Banu az-Zubair - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (10):605-609.
    The ethical and legal challenges posed by assisted reproduction techniques are both profound and breathtaking, with most societies unable to fully comprehend one technique before another one, even more daring, emerges. The wrongful implantation of embryos in two women undergoing in vitro fertilisation treatments at two separate clinics in the UK seriously vitiates the traditional concept of who is a parent. In one case, a patient’s embryos were wrongly implanted into another woman seeking similar treatment, and in the second, a (...)
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  37. Effects of social reforms of shaykh Ahmad sirhindi (1564-1624) on muslim society in the sub continent.Adnan Malik, Muhammad Zubair & Uzman Parveen - 2016 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 55 (2):155-164.
    History in this age needs to record and analyze the events in the light of modern concept of contemporary world. When the historians narrate the brutal condition of Indo-Pak history, they never forget the work and services of Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi to transform the society according to the current values. For his services, he is hailed as Mujaddid Alf-I-Thani. The Muslim society had degenerated when Mujaddid Alf-I-Thani appeared on the horizon. A number of Hindu customs and practices had become the (...)
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  38. Islāmī ādāb.Muḥammad Zubair ʻAbdulmajīd (ed.) - 2004 - Karācī: Minle ke dīgar pate, Maktabah-yi Baitulʻilm.
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    A Deep Neural Network Model for the Detection and Classification of Emotions from Textual Content.Muhammad Zubair Asghar, Adidah Lajis, Muhammad Mansoor Alam, Mohd Khairil Rahmat, Haidawati Mohamad Nasir, Hussain Ahmad, Mabrook S. Al-Rakhami, Atif Al-Amri & Fahad R. Albogamy - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    Emotion-based sentimental analysis has recently received a lot of interest, with an emphasis on automated identification of user behavior, such as emotional expressions, based on online social media texts. However, the majority of the prior attempts are based on traditional procedures that are insufficient to provide promising outcomes. In this study, we categorize emotional sentiments by recognizing them in the text. For that purpose, we present a deep learning model, bidirectional long-term short-term memory, for emotion recognition that takes into account (...)
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    Muhammadiyah’s Manhaj Tarjih: An evolution of a modernist approach to Islamic jurisprudence in Indonesia.Ahwan Fanani, Achmad I. Hamzani, Nur Khasanah & Aji Sofanudin - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4).
    This study uses a literature study of examining the Tarjih Council of Muhammadiyah, the second largest Islamic organisation in Indonesia. Criticism is directed towards manhaj’s principle which states that any classical Islamic school of law should not be embraced and, thus, breaks up from the chain of Islamic intellectuality. The critics, however, fail to cover the very idea of Muhammadiyah as an embodiment of the Islamic renewal vision. The article aims to reveal the evolution of the manhaj. The evolution will (...)
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    Truth and Historicity. [REVIEW]Ellen Charry - 1995 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 69 (4):623-626.
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    Psychological Factors Influencing Pro-environmental Behavior in Developing Countries: Evidence From Colombian and Nicaraguan Students.Manuel Francisco Díaz, Andrés Charry, Stefania Sellitti, Matteo Ruzzante, Karen Enciso & Stefan Burkart - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Identifying the determinants of human behavior is useful to adjust interventions and lead the civil society toward a stronger commitment to climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives, achieving greater support for successfully implementing environmental policies. Existing research has largely focused on case studies of pro-environmental behaviors in developed economies but there is very little evidence for developing countries. This study provides estimations of the effect of internal factors, such as sociodemographic variables, and four psychological dimensions on PEBs. Data were obtained (...)
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    Academic Spin-offs through the Lens of Pragmatism and Mixed Methods.Alexander Romero-Sánchez, Geovanny Perdomo-Charry & Edy Lorena Burbano-Vallejo - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:30-67.
    In conclusion, this paper explores the intricate dynamics of improper omission as an amplifying device within the Colombian legal context. A detailed analysis has demonstrated how improper omission allows the imputation and punishment of individuals who, without fulfilling the typical description of conduct, incur criminal liability when they abandon their role as guarantors in the absence of a nexus of avoidability. This occurs when they fail to prevent the typical results that, in the context of legal assets in their charge, (...)
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    On a New Modification of the Weibull Model with Classical and Bayesian Analysis.Yen Liang Tung, Zubair Ahmad, Omid Kharazmi, Clement Boateng Ampadu, E. H. Hafez & Sh A. M. Mubarak - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-19.
    Modelling data in applied areas particularly in reliability engineering is a prominent research topic. Statistical models play a vital role in modelling reliability data and are useful for further decision-making policies. In this paper, we study a new class of distributions with one additional shape parameter, called a new generalized exponential-X family. Some of its properties are taken into account. The maximum likelihood approach is adopted to obtain the estimates of the model parameters. For assessing the performance of these estimators, (...)
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    A New Class of Heavy-Tailed Distributions: Modeling and Simulating Actuarial Measures.Jin Zhao, Zubair Ahmad, Eisa Mahmoudi, E. H. Hafez & Marwa M. Mohie El-Din - 2021 - Complexity 2021 (1):5580228.
    Statistical distributions play a prominent role for modeling data in applied fields, particularly in actuarial, financial sciences, and risk management fields. Among the statistical distributions, the heavy-tailed distributions have proven the best choice to use for modeling heavy-tailed financial data. The actuaries are often in search of such types of distributions to provide the best description of the actuarial and financial data. This study presents a new power transformation to introduce a new family of heavy-tailed distributions useful for modeling heavy-tailed (...)
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    Transition to Adulthood Autonomy Scale for Young People: Design and Validation.Teresita Bernal Romero, Miguel Melendro & Claudia Charry - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Eurasian Business Perspectives: Proceedings of the 24th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference.Ender Demir, Chonlada Sajjanit, Marek Angowski, Aneta Jarosz-Angowska, Eva Smolková, Peter Štarchoň, Shaizatulaqma Kamalul Ariffin, Ainul Mohsein Abdul Mohsin, Yashar Salamzadeh, Beaneta Vasileva, Giao Reynolds, Susan Lambert, Jyotirmoy Podder, Kim Szery, Riza Yosia Sunindijo, Kevin Suryaatmaja, Dermawan Wibisono, Achmad Ghazali, Raminta Benetyte, Rytis Krusinskas, Grzegorz Zimon, Mihaela Mikić, Dinko Primorac, Bojan Morić Milovanović & Adam Górny - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume of Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics includes selected papers from the 24th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, held in Bangkok. The theoretical and empirical papers gathered here cover diverse areas of business and management from different geographic regions; yet the main focus is on the latest findings on evolving marketing methods, analytics, communication standards, and their effects on customer value and engagement. The volume also includes related studies that analyze sustainable consumer behavior, and business strategy-related (...)
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    Factors Impeding Health-Care Professionals to Effectively Treat Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients in Pakistan: A Qualitative Investigation.Ali Raza, Sheema Matloob, Noor Fareen Abdul Rahim, Hasliza Abdul Halim, Amira Khattak, Noor Hazlina Ahmed, Durr-E.- Nayab, Abdul Hakeem & Muhammad Zubair - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Studying the Islamic lifestyle and academic success of Russian Muslim students.Zuraidah Abdullah, Aan Komariah, Natalia V. Sirotkina, Dedy Achmad Kurniady, Cucun Sunaengsih & Elena Pavlovna Panova - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–6.
    The notion of lifestyle has recently attracted the attention of various scholars as a social science concept. For thousands of years, human beings attempted to realise and manage their lifestyles, and governments have tried to influence the lifestyles of their people. Nevertheless, the definition of lifestyle and its conceptualisation is relatively new. Lifestyle means the specific method of living of an individual, group or community. Lifestyles include a set of values, behaviours, moods and tastes that can refer to the interests, (...)
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    A Deep Neural Network-Based Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews.Kifayat Ullah, Anwar Rashad, Muzammil Khan, Yazeed Ghadi, Hanan Aljuaid & Zubair Nawaz - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-9.
    The number of comments/reviews for movies is enormous and cannot be processed manually. Therefore, machine learning techniques are used to efficiently process the user’s opinion. This research work proposes a deep neural network with seven layers for movie reviews’ sentiment analysis. The model consists of an input layer called the embedding layer, which represents the dataset as a sequence of numbers called vectors, and two consecutive layers of 1D-CNN for extracting features. A global max-pooling layer is used to reduce dimensions. (...)
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